Authors |
Kapitonova Elena Anatol'evna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of criminal law, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The concept of personality’s legal modus formulated by the author (as a combination of statutory duties, responsibilities and restrictions of rights and freedoms of a particular person, through which his lawful behavior is guaranteed) is aimed at the development of the theory of legal science. The purpose of the article is to identify the sectoral legal moduses of personality established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and to identify the criteria for their division into types, taking into account various significant factors.
Results. The author's judgment on possible bases of classification of constitutional legal modes is formulated and proved. A brief analysis of the content of each of the identified special legal modes is carried out. The theoretical propositions formulated in the study have the quality of scientific novelty and can be used in further research on related topics of jurisprudence.
Conclusions. The breadth of coverage can be distinguished general and special legal modus, as well as the legal modus of a particular person. On the basis of the attitude to citizenship, the legal modus of a Russian citizen, a foreign citizen, a stateless person and a person with dual citizenship are determined. On the basis of gender they are highlighted in a legal modus men and women. According to the degree of stability, the modus are classified into permanent, absolute-time and relativelytime legal modus. The criterion of origin determines the division into natural and artificial legal modus.
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